Not all dogs experience tear stains. If a dog has dark fur, it does a good job of covering up the tear stains to notice if they have them or not. The lucky ones have good genes. Unfortunately, the cute fluffy white dogs tend to be the victims of tear stains. These also happen to be the lap dog as well. I’m sure if you are going to allow a dog on your lap, you would want it to be streak free and smell great. Sometimes these tear stains can be passed on to the babies when they are born through genes.
A few breeds that struggle greatly are English Bulldogs, Chihuahua, Maltese, Boxers, Boston Terriers, Poodles, French Bulldogs, Shih Tzus, Cockapoos, Bichon Frise, Lhasa Apsos, Havanese, Cocker Spaniels, and King Charles Cavaliers along with many others. If you have one of these dog’s and are experiencing tear stains, you need to worry no more. And if you are thinking of getting one of these breeds, don’t hesitate because of this cosmetic issue. A wonderful natural product is out on the market that will make your dog as beautiful as all the rest out there.
Naturally Tearfree Canine will help remove tears stains on all breeds of dogs. You simply sprinkle a small dose of the organic powder on the dog’s food and it will make all breeds true beauties again. It will even remove stains around the mouth, private and forearm areas. It’s a simple, low maintance product that is completely safe for all breeds. We are all born differently and some just need a little more TLC then others. Naturally Tearfree Canine is here to help.
To make a purchase, simply click on the "buy now" button. If you live outside of the USA, please email us for an invoice with correct shipping charges to your country. The jar will last about six months. Please take "before" and "after" pictures. Send them to us and we'll post those lucky dogs on our website. Also, it will help us create an album of our furry friends progress and how wonderful the tear stains are clearing up.
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